Tuesday, March 13, 2007

"I’m not a business man, I’m a business! Man!”
- Jay-Z

I founded and operate my own business, V-TWINZ Productions Inc, a 9-member production company specializing in narratives, documentaries, music videos, commercials/specs, and web-promos. As the company’s owner and lead producer, it is my responsibility to negotiate with clients, and successfully create the conditions necessary for the creative team to do their thing. Starting a company is both scary and rewarding, but has led to enormous personal growth and has undoubtedly been without regret.

Fact: We have been in business since late 2003 and our clients range from Babygrande Records, Saatchi & Saatchi, the Clinton Foundation, and ABC.com

“If we are to achieve a richer culture, rich in contrasting values, we must recognize the whole gamut of human potentialities, and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric, one in which each diverse human gift will find a fitting place.”
- Margaret Mead

In my opinion, diversity is the greatest aspect of any organization; I have never learned from people who are the same as me. Different cultures often exude different skill sets. I can say with 100%, that I have learned more from people than I ever have in a classroom.

Fact: Traveling and experiencing cultures from all over the world is one of my top priorities; Whether or not I could afford it, I would never stay at a Four Seasons in Africa… there’s no enrichment.

“You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
- Mahatma Gandhi

I love this quote because everyone knows what’s wrong in the world (or any large group), but many feel helpless to do anything. All of the seemingly bad situations I have ended up in have remained terrible until I made a change within.

Fact: I slept in a hut and bathed with river water when I was in the Dominican Republic and Haiti in 2003 with the American Red Cross for almost 4 months… immediately after graduating Duke University

“I lay puzzle as I backtrack to earlier times.
Nothing's equivalent, to the New York state of mind”

- Nas

I have no problem saying that I believe New York City is the greatest place in the world.
It’s a town for nearly every type of person

Fact: I won’t be leaving the City until I’m ready for the little ones… or if my educational loans cause me to foreclose on my mortgage.

“When a team outgrows individual performance and learns team confidence, excellency becomes a reality”
- Joe Paterno

I have never believed that one person can make significant accomplishments within a group, no matter how sound his or her ideas. I cannot remember a time where I have achieved long-term success in a group on my own.

Fact: It’s probably not the safest way to live, but I am very trusting of all people. Living any other way makes me feel like a different person.

“A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instinct”
- Richard Branson

Everyone’s interpretation of fun is different, but if you’re not having fun with (in) your business, I think it’ll probably never work out… but I would be stupid in saying that money is really helpful in the short-term.

Fact: Richard Branson is one of the coolest/realest dudes in the world

“…it is sport that is the opiate of the masses."
- Russel Baker

My two loves are Penn State Football and Duke Basketball.
I was born in State College PA (the college-town of Penn State University) as my parents taught at PSU for 21 years. My older brother and older sister are both PSU alums. I have been to over 80 PSU home games and still retain my father’s season ticket account, despite the fact that my parents left State College three years ago. I am an alum of Duke University and was a student during our 2001 national championship. March madness is like Christmas to me, although I won’t comment on my current squad’s worst team in a decade. I guess excellence is something that does not last forever, perhaps a good lesson for all of us. With a campaign as serious as this, I felt that it was important to let people know where one’s sport’s loyalties lie

Fact: Michigan cheated the last two times Penn State visited Ann Arbor

“As long as the differences and diversities of mankind exist, democracy must allow for compromise, for accommodation, and for the recognition of differences”
- Eugene McCarthy

I believe that this quote is applicable in every organization we take part in. In my opinion, one of the most impressive accomplishments humans have achieved when organizing themselves into groups is setting up a representative system that speaks for the populous. Through such a system, discussion and compromise can be achieved that represents the majority of any organization’s population.

Fact: Sound leadership is necessary in large groups because discussion does not necessarily lead to compromise.

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